Saturday, January 22, 2011

WTF Women!? Part Deux

Quotes from my friend, who put it better than I ever could:

"We do ANYTHING for them. We do fucking ANYTHING just to see them and hang out with them, and they still push us away at every opportunity."

"They don't get it. We don't want to play games. Aren't there any women that just want to hang out and have a good time? This cat and mouse shit is stupid."

Amen brother. Amen.

Another has said this:

We're a generation of men raised by women. Im wondering if another woman is really the answer
- Tyler Durden

Also a valid point. Which brings us to the following -

Some men just want to use you.
Some men just want "dat ass" and to "wreck your shit".

There are a few of us who are not "some men".
We are better than they are - and ever will be.

We want to comfort you for the lows and laugh with you at the highs.
We want to hold you in our arms for as long as we can.
We're just as shy as you are on the surface. Don't judge a book by its cover.

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